A couple of years after I moved to Merida there was a great house around the corner from me. I kept trying to get different friends to buy it and no one did. One day I heard it had been sold. It turns out James Brown and his wife Alexandra bought it! I had lost touch with him for about 15 years. I first came to know of James through his paintings in a little gallery in the East Village called Naturemorte in the early 80's. That was before I became a failed artist. I met James just before I moved to Paris in 1985. Then he turned up in Paris a couple of years later. He still has a great studio on Rue des Plantes and mostly works in Paris but soon he plans to do more work in Mexico. For a couple of years that house was piled to the ceiling with all of their possessions from the NY studio and the hacienda in Oaxaca. So for a couple of years they always stayed with me and Josh while they were here in Merida. Then in 2008 the Browns bought the house in front of their house and that house has a house behind it which opens onto an alley. The new house is James studio and storage. The Alley house belongs to his son Dagenhart who spent his gap year here in Merida. I long for the days when they will at least linger here through the spring and return in the fall. Winter is too short!
This may be strange, but I am a neighbor of James Brown. I received a Fed Ex pkg for him at my home which is two doors down from him. There is no answer on this telephone nor his doorbell and his gate is quite locked up. Yesterday I called Fed Ex to have them come pick up the package and deliver to the correct home, but I doubt they will be able to. I don't know how else to reach him. Do you know how to reach him and could you give him this information. This mix up occurs because I live at 567 Calle 68 and he lives at 567 A Calle 68. I will hold the package or do whatever he wants.
This is a longshot contacting you, but I googled him and this is the closest I came to maybe someone here knowing him.
Geraldine Brown
567 Calle 68
PS Fed ex has never showed and I will call again if I don't hear back.
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